4 definitions by Average High School Student

1. An AP (Advanced Placement) class in high school

2. A government-endorsed torture method that makes you want to drop out of high school
1. I picked AP Biochemistry for high school, hope it goes well

2. my brain has been turned into sauerkraut and i want to die
by Average High School Student December 9, 2021
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The amount of pages that come up when you search up sex on Urban Dictionary
This is why we can’t have nice things. Because over 1133 million horny people on Earth.
by Average High School Student March 11, 2022
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The best game ever, a super shooter featuring an army man in an explosion war, got a sequel with new mechanics and a sandbox version
Guy 1:Were you playing games all night again?!

Guy 2: Oh man, super shooter army man explosion war number 2 just came out!

Guy 1: understandable have a good day
by Average High School Student December 27, 2022
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a, alternate front-end to youtube that isn't blocked by a lot of web blockers (including GoGuardian) and doesn't have any annoying ads, it is very epic
invidio.xamh.de is le epic website
yea invidious is pog
by Average High School Student February 16, 2022
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