3 definitions by Athyraslove

An imaginary animal created by Steven Brust. Small, and dragon-like with poisonous fangs. The only tame jhereg are ones who have been earned by witches to be familiars.

Also, a branch of people are called Jhereg.(You can tell if he means the animal or the people by the capitalization) Also in the books by Steven Brust, these people are the lowest house and are mainly involved in black market type business. Such as: Assassins, Thieves, Pimps, and they run gambling houses and many other things.
Loiosh is a wise-ass jhereg and is Vladimir's sidekick in the Jhereg series, or Adventures of Vlad Taltos.

Vladimir is an Easterner (human)who became a Jhereg when his father spent his life earnings to buy a title in the House Jhereg.

Jhereg Hustler: I think one of my wizards betrayed me...
Another Jhereg: Well what did you expect from a Jhereg.
by Athyraslove July 20, 2008
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An amazing guy with his own show on the travel channel. He travels the world eating one nasty thing after another. Does a wonderful job describing what things taste like, although we have to wonder if bugs can be, "delightfully crunchy and slightly citrus-y." ?

The host of an incredibly good show, go watch it.

Friends with Anthony Bourdain, another awesome guy.
Did you see the one where Andrew Zimmern ate a pretzel that was actually a worm and said it was good for people watching there carbs?!
by Athyraslove July 20, 2008
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An incredibly good author. His most well known books are the Jhereg Series or the Adventures of Vlad Taltos.

The books are fantasy/ sci-fi and plenty of satire and action to please anyone. Go read them.

Some of the titles are: Jhereg, Athyra, Orca, Tiassa, Dragon, and many others. Each book is named after a House (groups of elves born into different social brackets called "Houses" which are named after animals.)
I love Steven Brust.
by Athyraslove July 20, 2008
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