1 definition by Astra_Star

married to Xerxes (436 – 358 BC)
From the Book of Esther, Jewish holiday Purim
the first Purim was celabrated on the 14th of Adar (March ish), year 3405

Esther was originally named Hadassah. In Hebrew Hadassah means "myrtle" but Esther is related to the Median word, astra, and the Persian word setareh meaning star.
Esther can also be understood to mean "hidden" in Hebrew (she hid her Jewish identity) and in the book of Esther it is believed that God's methods were hidden.

The name has been used in the English-speaking(Christian European, non-Jewish...), world since the Protestant Reformation when old testament names became 'all the rage'.

"Hey didn't Madonna re-name herself Esther when she jumped on the Kabbalah band wagon?"
by Astra_Star January 30, 2009
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