2 definitions by AstolfoBestHuabandoAndWaifu

Someone who is sexually attracted to both sexes in anime but the opposite sex in real life
Person A: "Astolfo is hot ngl, I'd fuck him anyday."
Person B: "Whoa whoa whoa, you have a gf. I thought you were straight."
Person A: "Nah bro, I'm bidigitalissexualautemheterophysicalissexual."
Person B: "Understandable, have a great day."
by AstolfoBestHuabandoAndWaifu December 13, 2022
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A name given to a very tiny person who speaks like a mouse. Due to this, he suffers from an extreme case of emotional damage.
Guransh: “Welcome! What can I get for you today?”
Person 1: “Did you hear that squeak?”
Person 2: “I think it was a mouse, let’s leave this place.”
Guransh: Dies from Emotional Damage
by AstolfoBestHuabandoAndWaifu December 26, 2022
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