2 definitions by Asshat Kornhole

When you're walking or riding a bicycle behind someone who is constantly farting.
I would have stayed in the break, but I kept getting Brazealed by that old dude every time he'd get on the front and it was making me sick. I think he's got some disease.
by Asshat Kornhole March 11, 2019
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A Cobble Gobbler is a cycling superfan or one who lingers around the team bus of a professional cycling team during the Spring Classic races. The Cobble Gobbler differs from the traditional Chamois Sniffer in that they are only interested in the Spring Classic "hard men".
I was at the Roubaix Velodrome for the race finish and couldn't believe the number of Cobble Gobblers hanging around the entrance to the locker rooms. Those people have no shame.
by Asshat Kornhole January 7, 2015
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