4 definitions by Ashley the Penguin

Horribly outdated nickname for Boston, Massachusetts that no self-respecting Bostonian or New Englander uses. Typically used only by tourists, sportswriters, or television reporters that are new to the area. Name stems from the New England food staple of beans slow-baked in molasses.
Every college kid calls this place Beantown until someone decks them for it.
by Ashley the Penguin November 16, 2003
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A.K.A. "Cumberland Farms", the convenience store that is as much a part of New England culture as small towns, overpriced colleges, and always-failing sports teams are. The preferred hangout for teens who live in towns without much else to do.
Stop at Cumbies and pick up some milk on your way home.
by Ashley the Penguin November 16, 2003
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A term of pride OR an insult, depending on your professional sports team allegiances.

1) The big chunk of land located east of New York that contains millions of heartbroken sports fans come October.

2) A collection of eternal losers who somehow keep the faith every season.

3) A collection of eternal losers in general.
1) It's good to live here in Red Sox Nation.

2) Red Sox Nation will keep their spirits up regardless of their bad fortune.

3) Those freaking idiots in Red Sox Nation need to get a life already and root for the Yankees.
by Ashley the Penguin November 16, 2003
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15-year-old girl who uses her babysitting money to buy some lacey underwear from Target, and then spends hours taking pouty, low-quality B&W pictures of herself in said underwear with her bedroom door locked, after which she posts them to her LiveJournal for men in their 30s to check out. Cam whores can be males looking for attention, but typically are not.
The Internet is being taken over by cam whores, one blog at a time.
by Ashley the Penguin November 16, 2003
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