10 definitions by ArmTheHobos

A person making a sad attempt to spread the word of their religion through the internet and cyberspace.
p-rayz-jezus: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?
everyone in chatroom: STFU.

Another e-Vangelist fails.
by ArmTheHobos April 10, 2008
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Modern-day punk rock music genre. Emo music can be associated with any not-so-rebellious punk rock.
Not to be associated with any persons wearing tight pants, "cutting themselves", and boohooing about how much life sucks.
The people who claim to be emo are nothing more than emotional punk-rockers. Nuff said.
"Emo" kid: *cuts wrist* I'm so depressed. Life sucks.

Punk rocker: *spray paints on walls* Down with the establishment!

Emo is basically the evolved form of a punk rocker. Sad.
by ArmTheHobos July 27, 2007
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The most important joke of the day. If you dont laugh at it, you'll get sleepy around 11:30.
Sleepy dude: Aw man, why am I so tired, its only noon.

Me: Yeah, thats cause I told a breakfast joke and you didnt laugh at it.
by ArmTheHobos June 16, 2007
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