2 definitions by Arawakan Priest James S. SIlva

A member of a group of indigenous people, of South America that migrated to various parts of the world. These sacred people, are known for pious behavior, ascetic spiritual practices, such as anointing Therapeutic exercises and medicinal remedies. These pre-historic people have existed for ages and performing rituals that have blessed the world with their secret teachings enabling the edification of mankind and the understanding of the paranormal, all for the benefit of humanity and the universe. By Professor, and Priest James Silva the Creator of the word of (ARAWAKAN).
The Arawakan people have mastered the vortexes and lay lines in the Atmosphere, creating a strong hold of peace.
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An indigenous people, of South America that migrated to various parts of the world. An indian people once wide spread in the Antilles but now living primarily in South America. These people are known for sacred pious behavior, ascetic spiritual practices, such as anointing Therapeutic exercises and medicinal remedies.
The ancient Arawak has existed for eons.
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