8 definitions by Apollyon the Kenite

When the Great Spirit and his heavenly hosts created the physical universe; Michael, the war-like leader of the Angels, saw the beauty of all the females that were created for this world. This filled Michael's heart with great sorrow because the Angels had no such companions. When Michael's tears landed on the ground surrounding Ein Soph, they became the 54 female Angels of the Great Spirit. The 15th female Angel was Jennael (Jenna-el), the Angel of Hope. Most people just simply call her: Jenna. Jenna didn't want a male consort in the Heavens because she had a strong desire to bring hope to all people living in this world. So Jenna descended into the world taking on the form of an innocent-looking gray pony in Dublin, Ireland. Things went well for awhile, then some minions of the Fallen One found Jenna and beat her to death. The tears of the caretakers watching over Jenna during her last moments became a loud cry that awakened Apollyon the Destroyer from his deep worldly slumber, and now the seed of his wrath begins to grow....
Emrys: How did you acquire of such a story?!

Apollyon: You're looking at the source.

Emrys: Who are you?!

Apollyon: I'm the one that tasted the death of Jenna (all hope) within those tears....
by Apollyon the Kenite July 31, 2020
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