2 definitions by AnthemOne

A gender-neutral term for a prolific supporter of QAnon theories. Originally a pejorative, but Q followers didn't realize it. They proudly and without irony refer to themselves as a bunch of Qunts.
"Marjorie Taylor Greene is a real Qunt."
"Damn right. We're all Qunts!"
by AnthemOne January 31, 2021
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A fruity, easy-to-drink cocktail made from melon liqueur, vodka, and pineapple juice. Traditionally served in a tall glass, but bars and clubs often serve them as high-profit, low alcohol shooters paraded around on a tray by a waitress whose attractiveness increases steadily as the night wears on.
Boilermakers? No no, my friend. You're too lightweight for that, better stick to the melonballs or ginger ale.
by AnthemOne July 2, 2006
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