1 definition by Anonymousssssssssssness

A girl who is totally into herself when she clearly shouldn't be.
A girl who decides to wear fake eyelashes and dye her eyebrows because she doesn't have any.
A girl whos hair looks like she wears wigs.
A girl whos nose resembles one of squidward from Spongebob.
A girl who hooks up with minimum 6 guys at once.
A girl who throws fruit punch on a guy's car just because he doesn't have an interest in her.
A bitch.
Guy #1:Oh i tapped that last night!
Guy #2:Who, Meaghan?
Guy #1:Yeah.
Guy #2:Did you use the paperbag technique?
Guy #1:Well obviously I had to, Look at the Bitch!
by Anonymousssssssssssness December 14, 2006
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