2 definitions by Anonymous CoWorker

One who defecates or otherwise spreads their feces on the floor, walls, inside elevators and other locations as a maliscious act of vandalism.

Accompanying behavior would include flushing objects down toilet or urinals in the effort to cause damage.
We learned our vandal, a Poopsmith, had struck again once we entered into the Gentlemen's room to be assaulted by the foul stench of the excreta smeared upon the walls.
by Anonymous CoWorker October 24, 2006
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Having the quality of inadequate performance and/or functionality as the result of egregious mismanagement especially that resultant from a design committee or other bureaucratic process.
I had the access to data and tools to peform my job requirements, until someone gimpdified my login, now I can't do anything.
by Anonymous CoWorker July 9, 2004
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