1 definition by Analytical Hermit


abbr. Anonymous

Contrary to popular belief "Anon" is not any anonymous stranger on the internet. Anon is the hive mind of deviant fantasies and crude jokes inhabiting the subconscious of hermits, burnouts, stoners and suicidal shut-ins everywhere.

Anon has a soft spot, not only in his clearly unsatisfying real life but also in his love for mudkipz, longcat and bawwing about his loneliness.

You will the anarchic entity that is Anon if you spend enough time on the internet. He frequents many a venue - in hopes of adding a touch of chaos to the lives of others - for instance the anonymous chat site, Omegle.

When Anon shows his lack of face on sites apart from 4chan's /b/, it is usually with the intention of trolling random strangers.

Anon does not have a stated purpose. Anon is anarchy, urges and untamed mental impulse, harmful to anyone whose inhibitions and sense of decency are still intact.
Anon does not forgive.
by Analytical Hermit October 30, 2009
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