1 definition by AmericaTheIdiocracy

A convoluted clusterfuck of beaurocratic pencil pusher wonder. This worthless application process is designed to mostly give money to those uneducated, worthless children of our American idiocracy, enabling frat boys and girls who waste their time in school in a wasted blitz and then graduate with the 'C's get degrees' mindset, and then wonder why the fuck they can't get a job in the real world.

This craptastic butt-baby of the Department of Education also servers to deny, as the liberals would say, 'well-to-do' folks any money whatsoever. Do your parents make over $60,000 dollars? And do they keep all their money to themselves? If you answered yes to both of those questions, the FAFSA spits in your mother-fucking-face.

A prime example of one of the many wastes of government resources. Filling out the FAFSA, and getting the government decided EFC (estimated family contribution) back is like filling out the IRS forms, and then being kicked in the dick by a donkey, and then shit on, repeatedly.

And also, perhaps 10% of the kids who fill out FAFSA and get significant aid other than loans ever push 3.0+ GPAs.
Advisor "Did you fill out the FAFSA, Jimmy?"
Jimmy "Yes, but they say my parents should pay $25,000 a year for my college!"
Advisor "Don't back talk me. Go to the office."
Jimmy "God. Damn. It."
Advisor "You should go party with Joe Popular in their family shack, I hear they do cocaine, and he was awarded grant money! Learn from your dumb ass peers rich white-boy!"
by AmericaTheIdiocracy April 13, 2010
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