3 definitions by Almighty Banyan

Noun: A title granted to one who is worthy of such a title. Aspects of worthiness include (but are not limited to) Intelligence, Bravery, Might, and Honor.
"God Damn! John just uprooted a tree with his bare hands!"
"He is Banyan!"
by Almighty Banyan April 4, 2003
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One who does not believe in the Banyan way; generally considered a fool.
We happened across a bunch of infidels while wandering the North Woods. We slew them and ransacked their campsite.
by Almighty Banyan April 10, 2003
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The frightening mask worn by Him, the Him Mask is a white face dominated by a huge black-outlined smile, no nose, and evil eyebrows. A large mass of black hair also seems to be part of this mask.
I wore my Him Mask last year for Halloween... I scared the SHIT out of hundreds of children.
by Almighty Banyan April 4, 2003
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