2 definitions by Aliwishes

Verb: Th act of sleeping with two midgets an iguana and a blonde woman. After pleasuring to the blonde girl to the point of orgasm, the iguana well be sacrificed, and the blood spilled upon the woman's gooch, after which the midgets will tickle the gooch with assorted lawn tools and a king size twix. The midgets will then eat the woman out as she spews out blood and vaginal secretion. This act does not require the human penis only timing.
Bro -"Dude wheres your iguana"
Dude-"The chick made me do a Nicaraguan gooch tickler"
Bro- "nice dude but pore iguana"
by Aliwishes November 2, 2010
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Verb: The act of getting with a fat dirty mexican chick and eating out her butthole which has large amounts of hair and pieces of poop stuck in it.
"Dude what's wrong?"
"The girls i took back to my place made me give her a Mexican Dirty Donut....."
"Ohh man that sucks, hows your breath smell?"
by Aliwishes November 2, 2010
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