2 definitions by Alexasssss

Nick (noun) Nick-y poo. He's incredible and lovable and the sweetest guy around. He'll make you smile till your cheacks hurt. He's a sassy lil bitch but you can't not love him. He loves the use of the n word. He's incredible and perfect and trust me. You can't get enough of him.
by Alexasssss July 7, 2016
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Also known as Nick. Or Nicky poo. He has an incredible heart. He's the sweetest ever and one simply can't love a Nick. He's perfect inside and out. He loves the n word. He's pee pee is called the legend even though it's the size of a tic tac. He's the most handsome guy ever. Simply incredible.
by Alexasssss July 7, 2016
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