2 definitions by Alan of his highness

a noob who is also sneaky, this includes people who are very bad at sneaky however experianced they are, is often used as an insult and snoob appears to be the worst of gaming insults save gank-ganker
u spot some one hiding and kill them, then exclaim " you a snoob!!!!!!!!" or "F U SN00B"
by Alan of his highness October 10, 2007
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where a group of people who are ganking are ganked them selves, usually by a higher level of more experianced charactors, used in world of warcraft etc, is often carried out by those who deem them selves to be protectors, "good" guys or looking out for the little guy
a lvl 60 killing a lvl 30 for hunting a lvl 15, would be a gank-gank situation
by Alan of his highness October 10, 2007
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