5 definitions by Al-shish kabob

A semi version of a Quadrilateral shape. (Half of a square for example)
P1: Why does that square look like it's cut in half?

P2: 'Cause it's SemiQuadrilateral.
by Al-shish kabob May 16, 2022
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When someone falls down 25 flights of stairs then gets ran over by a steamroller and shot by Alec Baldwin and then manages to teach you about drugs.
Yooo the do when I look a Cornelius?
by Al-shish kabob May 14, 2022
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A name for someone of Asian descent (typically Indonesian) usually knows a thing or two about chemistry and guns.
Cornelius is also someone who'd watch another person fall down 60 flights of stairs and just say "Damn" then pop another joke involving guns or chemistry.
Yoo I watched some guy just stare at a body of someone who fell down 60 flights of stairs and make a joke.

Let me guess, his last name was Cornelius

by Al-shish kabob May 15, 2022
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When someone is lying
p1 - "Broooo some guy jumped out of a plane while doing a backflip and 360 noscope with a 148 javelin missle."

p2 - "Cap."
by Al-shish kabob May 15, 2022
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