3 definitions by Afterrhythmia

Double piercings usually on the bottom lip, side by side (one right next to the either). Can be either on the center, right or left side. Studs, Retainers or Captive Hoops can be used.
A : "I got my lip pierced today!"
B : "Oh really what did you do?"
A : "I got SpiderBites!"
B : "Like... SnakeBites?"
A : "No no. they're side by side"
by Afterrhythmia March 15, 2009
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Circular Piercings inserted into piercings/pierced areas. Commonly used in ears, bottom lips, eyebrows, noses, nipples and occasionally the belly button, penis and vagina.

Usually they are a circular piece of metal, with a ball holding the two pieces closed so the piercing won't slip or fall out.

Rarely are they silver, gold or glass.
A : "Do you have anything better to put in my ears? All i have are these boring studs.."
B : "Well I just bought some neon captive hoops the other day"
by Afterrhythmia March 15, 2009
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A piercing stud, generally clear, used to hold a pierced hole open so as not to be seen by others. Commonly used for hiding a piercing during work and interviews.
A : "And do you have any piercings?"
B : "Well can you see any?"
A : "No I can't"
B : "Then nope"


C : "So did they see your piercings?"
B : "Nope, Thank goodness we got me these retainers"
by Afterrhythmia March 15, 2009
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