1 definition by Adam Weiland

1) A state where watching grass grow could be considered an actual sport.
2) Most glorified dairy products on the planet.
3) The state that you DON'T want to live in.
4) A place where people think that just because the Pack won the first Super Bowl that they have the greatest team every season. (COUGH 4-12 COUGH)
5) A state that has an endless amount of dumbass Indian-named cities that has a 2-year learning curve to be able to pronounce the names correctly.
6) Has some of the highest taxes in the country for no particular reason at all.
7) Rednecks who hate gays are everywhere, but somehow it's a blue state every election.
Example 1: Wisconsin is Minnesota's bitch.

Example 2: Wisconsin, the only state where absolutely nothing happens.

Example 3: Wisconsin's only pride and joy is it's ridiculous abundance of alcohol.
by Adam Weiland June 26, 2006
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