3 definitions by Accidental conception


Very similar to a little b, just with a smaller d
“Hey big B, have you noticed my white boardies.”
by Accidental conception June 12, 2021
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Very similar to a Big B, just with a bigger D.
“Hey small b, do you have to wear white boardies? It really isn’t fair to the rest of us.”
by Accidental conception June 12, 2021
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1) decrease in value due to specific wear and tear, decay, decline in price, etc caused by a specific Chris

2)Such a decrease caused by a specific Chris is allowed in computering the value of property for tax purposes.
The car suffered a sudden loss of value. investigators found half a pie, tear stains, Ben and Jerry’s vomit down the door and a butt mark, currently depreciayson is suspected...
by Accidental conception June 12, 2021
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