3 definitions by AVeryBigDeal

A Twitter hashtag coined by the political parody account Peter Douche(now Peter Douche's Liaison following a ban) as a way of mocking people who align with the so-called Trump Resistance or any part of the political establishment. It's derived from the name of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's organization Onward Together, and is mainly used to humorously show how broken or flawed many claims, movements, or ideas coming from moderate Democrats and Republicans are while trying to show that populist, non-corporate leftist approaches make more sense. It implies that old guard establishment corporate-friendly politicians from both major parties are, well, owned together by the same major campaign donors. Similar hashtags are #LosingIsFine and #StillWithering.
All those Bernie bros need to quit acting like he deserves to be president. He's not a Real Democrat™, and he owns a parka for crying out loud! The sooner we manage to rig the 2020 primaries against him, the sooner Kamala/Mnuchin 2020 will become a reality.
by AVeryBigDeal November 13, 2018
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Quite possibly the most insane copyright measures to be conceived, Article 13 would pretty much kill fair use and all manner of other copyright exceptions on the internet while making it so that you need to buy individual licenses for all copyrighted materials you want to feature in your works, whereas Article 11 would institute a link tax that would require you to pay just that in order to link news articles, or pretty much any other kind of article or page. These measures which are being pushed in the EU parliament will thoroughly cripple the internet if they go into effect, which could happen in 2021 if not enough people tell the EU to reject them in a final vote early next year. Don't think just because you're not in the EU that you won't be affected by these measures, given how broadly and incompetently they have been constructed. It's also not helped that they're next to impossible to enforce, and could lead to internet companies operating in the EU to withdraw from there, including and surely not limited to Urban Dictionary. Live within the EU? Get under your MP's skin and demand they oppose them. Not in the EU? Spread the word as far as you can.
Article 13/Article 11 in action:

*posts a meme image containing a car, some copyrighted shirts, and various buildings and fixtures*

*image gets banned*

*Sorry, but this image cannot be allowed unless you buy dozens of licenses for everything contained within it.*
by AVeryBigDeal November 12, 2018
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An unintentional meme that was derived from the Damn Daniel meme by youtuber I Hate Everything as a way of mocking Damn Daniel, but ended up becoming a meme itself. It basically involves pointing at a random plant and shouting "DURR PLANT!" over and over.
by AVeryBigDeal March 6, 2016
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