11 definitions by ANIME ADDICTION

L Lawliet is the hottest husbando ever. Everyone loves him. He might have really weird eating habits cuz he only eats sweets but does that matter? It actually doesn't. He kinda sits weird too, but does that matter? Actually it literally matters as much as you: not at all. I'm JOKING! Anyways, I also think he is awesome af even though he's totally a uke! Plus I love that dude so if he wasn't meant for Light... UwU
Me: Yo guys do you know that hot guy from Death Note
Literally everyone in my life: OMIGOSH YAAAA!!!!
-L Lawliet
by ANIME ADDICTION October 11, 2021
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Stella is a nice girl who has average grades. She is quiet in class but not cuz she's shy but cuz she's got nothing to say to people cuz they're not worth it. She loves video games but she can't play alone cuz of her annoying little brother. She has a sad life.
Me: who's quiet
Stella .C: ...
Other people: STELLAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
by ANIME ADDICTION October 11, 2021
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a simpy dude who somehow turned from a useless weirdo to a baddie holding a bigass sword in 2 min but then turned back to the weirdo he was before.
me: who is the strongest character in black clover

weebs: asta
who is the most annoying character in black clover
weebs: also asta
by ANIME ADDICTION October 11, 2021
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pachi is a random word made up by a close friend for no actual reason referring to a cute noise. It's also apparently the name of an ugly hedgehog.
by ANIME ADDICTION October 11, 2021
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