2 definitions by AJB999

A skeptical term used as a pun for "AI". Intended to convey the idea that any "AI" (circa 2023), which has been trained on vast amounts of human-generated data, is really doing little more than making the same old mistakes we've always made, only faster.
ChatGPT is nothing more than a stochastic parrot. It's like working with a team member that's on drugs and often lies to you. It's nothing more than accelerated ignorance.
by AJB999 July 14, 2023
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An adjective to describe open-source software where the primary benefactor of the software is a large corporation that's really just using the open-source model to get a bunch of suckers to work for free.
I'd love to contribute to VS Code and offer a solution to make the file-tree readable, and therefore the software usable, but fuck it, it's corpensource horseshit. Why should I work for Microsoft for free?
by AJB999 November 5, 2018
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