2 definitions by ADV Rider

1.) A person that becomes drunk and disorderly enough to end up in jail for a few days. Usually happens when all eyes are upon them and everyone is counting on them.
2.) One who disrupts all plans by becoming so intoxicated they end up in jail and need to be freed through the generosity of others.
While delivering a motorcycle cross country, he ended up pulling a Mulie and had to be incarserated.
by ADV Rider January 12, 2005
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1.) 205 (Two -oh-five) is a term used when a subject is introduced as if new, yet everyone else has heard of it previously.
2.) Used like a shorthand response when a nOob posts an image or notable news to a message board or email list in which all participants have beaten the subject like a dead mulie.
nOob: "Hey did you hear a guy got caught speeding and he was doing Two hundred-five miles per hour over near Minnesota."

Experienced Adventure Rider: "205, so FYYFF"
by ADV Rider January 25, 2005
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