1 definition by A32123

"Wisdom is defined as the application of practical knowledge not written down and written knowledge guided by ethics toward the achievement of a common good. It balances our (a) individual interests, (b) our close relationships interests, and (c) society interests. Through this we choose the best paths in life (a) adaptation to our environment, (b) changing our environments, and or (c) selecting the best new environment."
According to Dr. Robert Sternberg
Bill Clinton did not show wisdom in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He let his short term individual pleasures overcome his interests as president, for his family, and for the American people who lost faith in him. He almost got impeached for his actions.

In contrast a minority student balances his family interests for not an expensive school as they are helping him pay, as well as his own interests in education, and so enrolls in a community college on the way to his bachelor degree to save two years of money in tuition expenses on route to completing his four year bachelors degree.
by A32123 April 27, 2015
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