4 definitions by A. Potatoes

The alternate name of an Asian whose last name is Wong.

Alternatively, it can refer to a specific Asian person with whom you are acquaintances.
"Hey, what's up Sam Wong?"
"Dude, her name is Wong Chong Chong, 什麼他媽的是你錯了 嗎?"
"Chill, dude.."
by A. Potatoes May 20, 2013
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Being attracted to:
1) men
2) women
3) transsexuals
4) grass
5) fire hydrants
6) dead bodies
7) the US Army
8) certain politicans (including John McCain and Michelle Obama)
Did you see that octosexual last night?
Yeah, she was gettin' it on with that fire hydrant!
by A. Potatoes October 5, 2011
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The best radio station ever invented.
"Turn on 106 Nigga Jamz; that's what all the niggas be listenin' to."


"You wanna get some booty, I wanna get some Gucci..."
by A. Potatoes October 5, 2011
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