30 definitions by A. Hick

An illusive state of physical and psychological (mostly psychological) ecstasy that few American women ever experience.
Sometimes women are able to produce a vaginal (G spot) orgasm with sex toys (i.e. very large black dildos, etc.), or experience a clitoral orgasm (usually lesbians) if their partner has good oral skills.
Vaginal orgasm during heterosexual intercourse is very problematic, because a man, in order to reasonably assure he can bring a woman to orgasm with his penis alone during thrusting,
must be no less than 8 inches long when measured the Kinsey way (along the
top of the shaft), and 6 inches in circumference to insure appropriate trauma to the cervix (with length) and the G-spot (with girth).
This translates into about 10 AOL inches (in length), which is the
standard of measure used by American men in determining their own penis length.
Unfortunately, most American men fall short of this length, and are around 6 Kinsey (actual) inches. Therefore orgasm during sex is only theoretically possible depending on
position, the psychological attitude of the woman regarding penis “size”, etc. (See Hite Report on Female Sexuality, 1976, which is the classic anecdotal pseudo-scientific study of American women’s orgasm frequency, attitudes on penis size, etc.)

American “supersize me” culture places great emphasis on penis size as the most important factor in female sexual satisfaction, yet ironically the society has routinely practiced, for at least three generations, widespread male genital mutilation (circumcision) that reduces overall penis mass (and affects the erect, thrusting girth, and G spot contact issues).
Gladys gets an orgasm every time she rides her Harley to the grocery store, yet never had a single one during sex with Bob, her late husband of 30 years. Talk about Hog Heaven!
by A. Hick June 11, 2008
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Euphemism for "fat" used in men's online dating and chat profiles. See football player build. Contrast with swimmers build.
WM, 38, brn, grn, 5"11", 220 lbs., solid linebacker build.
by A. Hick July 23, 2006
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Term for a trendy generation x'er, circa early 1990s, who was into skater, tie-dye revival, coffee house lounge, or slacker-poet counter-cultures. Created by combining the skater term "rad" (short for "radical," and meaning essentially "cool") with the suffix -nik, as in "beatnik." Now quite passe.
Chad is just a sad 38 year old radnik who relives his youth with occasional amusement park bungee jumps, and his videotape collection of "Melrose Place" episodes and Ethan Hawke movies, and Nirvana CDs.
by A. Hick July 23, 2006
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Classic GI and prison chow line dish consisting of dried chipped beef in cream sauce poured over toasted light bread. The name seems to have originated in the U. S. Navy during World War Two. Intact sailors were "strongly encouraged" by Naval doctors and corpsman to undergo adult circumcisions for "hygienic" and "health" reasons. Apparently it was believed then (and to some extent now) that circumcised men have lower rates of infection with sexually transmitted disease during unprotected sex, and since horny sailors will often do reckless things when on shore leave (and more discreetly when on board ship) the age old religious rite of clipping the cod was vigrously promoted as a newflangled "scientific" solution for an age old military problem. Given the reputation for navy food anyway, and the obvious surplus of extra "meat" available, it is not surprising why the name stuck, and became somewhat legendary. The dish, though, is quite distinct from shit on a shingle.
I hear Kilroy got clipped. Looks like we're having foreskins on toast again.
by A. Hick July 24, 2006
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A unit of measurement for determining the length and girth of an erect penis. Used exclusively by men (usually but not always gay men) in online dating or chat profiles, the unit, while not uniform, often corresponds roughly to 1.5 American or English system inches. For example a standard 6 inch long penis becomes 9 AOL inches, etc., though the "average" AOL inch length appears to be between 8-9. Despite the name, AOL inches are now used universally online, not just on AOL anymore.
36, 6'3", 190 lbs., br, br, buzzed, stache, regular guy here, 8.5"c thick (NOT AOL inches).
by A. Hick July 23, 2006
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A discreet way of refering to a circumcised male in a socially positive way. The term defined whole generations born in the United States during the "hygienic" circumcision craze, and on its surface would appear to refer to neatness or tidyness in a general sense. Golly gee whillikers.
Beaver Cleaver and Dennis the Menace were the ultimate TV archetypes for the clean cut All-American boy.
by A. Hick July 26, 2006
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1. (USA) a fast-paced, graceful field sport played mostly by girls, boys under age 16, and homosexuals.
2. (USA) a seasonally televised sleep-aid/tranquilizer.
The movie "She's the Man" does for American soccer what "Pride of the Yankees" did for baseball.
by A. Hick July 23, 2006
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