2 definitions by A. Webb

A word that, despite his best attempts at pronouncing, eludes the grasp of George Dubya at every turn.
They have nucula- er, I mean nucu- uh... Ahh, the hell with it.

*goes in a corner and cries because he can't say Nuclear, the poor bastard idiot*
by A. Webb August 10, 2006
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(adjective) Awesome, kickass, or otherwise positive. Can be used to refer to anything but is usually referring to a particular event or action. The most common usages are "epic win" or "epic failure," and some prefer to type it in all caps. Occasionally people use the phrase "Epic ___" as a stand-alone sentence or phrase, always following a story about something considered Epic.
Example 1: "He's a blackbelt in karate, so when this asshole came up to him, he totally kicked the dude's ass. You should have been there, it was fucking Epic."

Example 2: "I'm a blackbelt in karate, so this asshole came up to me and I kicked his ass. Epic fucking win."

Example 3: "That asshole from down the street got his ass kicked today."
by A. Webb October 3, 2007
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