1 definition by A real directioners

A fan of the british irish boyband one direction.A fandom which 90% consists of overly-obsesses fangirls who go to creepy stalker-ish lengths to know everything about their precious band.9% are normal fangirls who WILL have common sense and not know every thing they've ever heard,seen,and,said.But regardless they love those 5 sexy beasts.1% are guys who admire them and are,surprisingly not homosexual.These people overall have a war with beliebers,wanted fans,and any other fanbase against their own.
You're beliber friend:Do i look like i care.
you:i am going to kill you and that girl you worship.
the other: he's a BOY.
you: at least you can tell mine is....
the other:directioners...
by A real directioners January 14, 2013
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