3 definitions by A Silly Gentleman

Slang for cock in Brazilian/Portuguese. A lot of them use that when they can't think of a good comeback when in an argument.
Guy1: Falhaste o teste porque és burro! (You failed the test because you're dumb!)
Guy2: Ai sim? Então chupa a minha piça! ( Oh yeah? Then suck my cock!)
by A Silly Gentleman February 17, 2015
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Random video clips from video games, tv shows, etc, mixed together and tons of earrape.
Character 1: WelcomeemocleW to youtube poop.
Character 2: What the FaF.
Character 1: *earrape*
Character 3: SHUSH THE FAF UPP.
Character 2: Holy shish.
by A Silly Gentleman May 29, 2014
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Some kid from Cartoon Network with flaming hair that has a talking dog, keeps breaking in to their sister's lab and always yells.
Johnny Test: TO THE LAB!!!
Me: Stop yelling.
by A Silly Gentleman May 29, 2014
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