3 definitions by A "professional"

refers to a girl that is mostly on the lesbian end of bisexuality. the term "69 percent" is a homonym, referring both to the percentage of lesbian and her favorite sex position. 69 percenters are the holy grail for every man, signifying not only a tougher challenge to bring to bed, but also the most likely girl to bring along a friend for a threesome.
"i'm not really that into guys, though i do enjoy them on rare occasion. i'm definitely at 69 percent."
"she's such a babe man. i thought she was a lipstick lesbian but it turns out shes just picky about her men. that chick is a 69 percent."
by A "professional" June 4, 2013
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the inappropriate, overused and cringeworthy use of the colon in internet comments to express unoriginal and unenlightened ideas through the memeification of modern speech. In other words, a dead giveaway that you're a tasteless moron. Generally in the form of an either or question being answered in colon form with the word "yes".

For example,
Me: So are you retarded or do you just lack any kind of originality and thats why you just copy what everyone else is doing on the internet?
Internet commenters: Yes.
Company: We're making this new thing you want
Internet commenters: I'm jizzing myself
Me: Stop coloning and just say you like the thing. Just say "i like this thing". Coloning is completely unnecessary.
by A "professional" June 3, 2019
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Pandering to anyone and everyone with a vagina. Chick flicks, feminism, oprah, and commercials that tell women how hard it is to be a mom are all vagina pandering. Often it involves flattery, more often it involves a perception of vagina owning people being oppressed. But most often it involves flattering vagina owning people by telling them how strong they are for putting up with oppression. Some men vagina pander to get vagina. Advertisers vagina pander to sell things.
Vagina panderers desperately want women to have bad taste, because then they will buy anything so long as it flatters their ego.

This article is so rife with vagina pandering, i can feel the menstruation spewing out of my nose.
by A "professional" December 14, 2015
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