2 definitions by 666satanislife666

A combination of 'Shreked' and 'Roasted', therefore creating 'Shroasted'. Can be used in situations both of root words are appropriate.
Timmy: "2+3= 23"
Teacher: "No it's not, you moron! 2+3=5!"
Steve: "Shroasted!"
by 666satanislife666 November 12, 2014
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What someone does (usually a guy) when they say they are going to "work on schoolwork", when in reality they are going to watch pornography (sometimes called PRONography)
Bob: "I'm just gonna... ya know... work on some school project.."
Ralph: "Sure buddy, that's what you're gonna do."
Bob: "What do mean..?"
Ralph: "Dude, we know you're doing a pronject and jerk off"
by 666satanislife666 November 19, 2014
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