3 definitions by 5am.b

Someone who is really into payments and payments technology, particularly finding ways to reduce friction. Generally used to describe someone who works at Modo.
Guy1: Bruce sure has a lot of opinions about cryptocurrency.

Guy2: Yeah, he's a total #paymentsgeek.
by 5am.b February 9, 2019
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Someone who is really into payments and payments technology, particularly finding ways to reduce friction. Generally used to describe someone who works at Modo.
Guy1: Bruce sure has a lot of opinions about cryptocurrency.

Guy2: Yeah, he's a total #paymentsgeek.
by 5am.b February 7, 2019
Get the #paymentsgeek mug.
Someone who is really into payments and payments technology, particularly finding ways to reduce friction. Generally used to describe someone who works at Modo.
Guy1: Bruce sure has a lot of opinions about cryptocurrency.
Guy2: Yeah, he's a total paymentsgeek.
by 5am.b February 4, 2019
Get the paymentsgeek mug.