2 definitions by 503.Portland.971

Since Portland Police is useless, you call Clean And Safe. No, they cant arrest anybody, but when you are bleeding out cuz the crackhead stabbed you, you will get better help from Clean And Safe than the actual police.
1) I had to call Clean And Safe today, some crazy lady came into my shop screaming and yelling, cracked out of her mind
2) 503.388.3888
3)What Jo-Ann Hardesty hates
by 503.Portland.971 October 30, 2022
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Lake Grove Presbyterian Church (LGPC), is one of the most known churches in Lake Oswego, Oregon, also known as Lake no-negro, Lake big-ego, and lots more. It includes a predominantly cis-het-white congregation, that if you do not agree with their views, you will be banished to the Methodist church down the road.
Player 1: What church do you go to?
Player 2: Lake Grove Presbyterian Church
Player 1: Oh, so you are a rich white asshole that drives a Tesla and you’re dads a lawyer?
Player 2: I feel attacked. Let me post this on my private story
by 503.Portland.971 December 30, 2022
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