1 definition by 404Daddy

The best guy in the entire universe. A JayVoughn ways has a huge penis that can be between 7 - 12 inches. He is amazing at sex and is a very romantic person. He will always cheer you up and will sacrifice his time for his friends and carries the burdens of everyone to help them. He is a chick magnet altho typically he likes the same sex. He tends to give to much of home self because of his nice side. Everyone will typically love JayVoughn even though he can have an ego sometimes. He is the best boyfriend you can ever ask for and will always comfort you no matter what. Once you start having sex with him you wont ever want to stop, he will fuck you into next week and make you have the best orgasm ever. His dick is incredible and ass is even if better if your lucky enough to get it.
Everybody needs a JayVoughn in their life.
by 404Daddy November 23, 2021
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