1 definition by 389753084

An STD which people are incredibly ignorant about.

1 in 5 American adults have genital herpes, and 80% of those are not even aware of it. This means that you don't have to be a slut to have herpes! Everyone is at risk, and all it takes is one enounter to get it. You can even get it if you use a condom, because it is spread from skin-to-skin contact as opposed to through body fluids.

Cold sores (which is oral herpes) + oral sex = potential genital herpes. 80% of people have oral herpes. You do the math.

It is a very mild disease, just a minor skin condition. I can't blame anyone for wanting to protect themselves from it, but it is blown waaay out of proportion in society. It's not AIDS or cancer, for fuck's sake.

Although there is no cure for herpes, infected people can have a hard time with it because of the unfair stigma that is attached to herpes in our society.
Herpes is no fun, but it's not the end of the world either
by 389753084 July 13, 2009
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