2 definitions by 1stAmendment

The act of self-identifying as transsexual for the purpose of gaining popularity or cultural victim points. Typically displays without gender dysphoria.
Tina is transpopular.
by 1stAmendment August 12, 2018
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1. A person, typically uneducated and lives in a trailer, who will take your refuse without permission.
2. A trashy person who will scrounge around for free things and handouts.
1. "Johnny, get the 12-guage! There's a furleg taking the scrap metal from your forge!"
2. Furleg: "Evening, Sir. I noticed the large chunks of wood in your backyard. Do you think I could take some for firewood?"
Carpenter: "Get out of my shop, you damn furleg!"
by 1stAmendment May 3, 2020
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