3 definitions by 1337 Hacker
A television character who made kids do things like do the limbo or count sticks. The program he stars in is educational. Although alot of people deny they watched it, they know they watched it:)
by 1337 Hacker March 18, 2005
Someone who cheats/hacks Blizzard/Blizzard North titled games. Popular games include Diablo, WoW and i think starcraft. Some games are extremely addicting. The term blizzhackers orginates from the site www.blizzhackers.com. Most 'blizzhackers' use terms such as 1337, noob, and other 'hacking' terms..
by 1337 Hacker March 17, 2005
a server used to host blizzard games such as diablo, wow etc. It can be very laggy at some times. I think it is hosted by AT&T.
by 1337 Hacker March 18, 2005