1 definition by 1 a/\/ d 0 /\/ l y

(A.K.A. Rolls, Kool Beans, X, XTC, Ectacy)

Normally a small white pill with a wide variety of symbols engraved on them to indicate the substances included in the pill, called fillers, normally caffeine to keep the person awake, but such symbols as nike's swoosh and mitsubishi are known to contain heroin and/or cocaine.

It takes about 20 minutes after taking a pill for the effects to start, and last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. It takes about 3 days for the traces to leave your system for urine tests. Sweating and dilated pupils are the easiest symptoms to detect while on the pill. It has a very dry, bitter taste, so is normally taken with water. Water should also be taken at a regular interval, every 15 to 30 mins, as you feel dehydrated, and going to the bathroom becomes much more pleasurable.

The user feels a love for everyone, and usually falls into either the category of the "chill type", where you just like to relax and cuddle/love/massage with someone, or the "party type", where you still enjoy every touch, but like to move around for most of the night, loving not ruled out. touch, sight, and sound are enhanced, so soft music seems loud, street lights become interesting, and showers are a new sensation. Such tools as vix nasal inhalers (blow-ups), glow sticks, and blinking lights, as well as foods such as tangerines are used to enhance the experience. Certain moves, such as going to the floor, where one lays on the floor, gets picked up by the arms, and slowly let down, gives the feeling as if you pass into the floor, it should be noted no matter what carpet your on, it's going to be comfortable. The peak is often refered as "rolling balls", where you having a good time, often refereed as being drunk, but without having to worry about the hang-over. Three-ways are not an uncommon occurance =)

The come-down often leaves the user with a feeling of slight fatigue (having been awake for the last 8 hours), hunger, and thirst. It is recommended to take a 2 to 3 week break between uses as close repeated uses lowers ceretonin levels (the chemical that causes happiness).
Yo, I'm rolling balls right now, i hope that cop doesn't notice.
by 1 a/\/ d 0 /\/ l y July 9, 2005
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