11 definitions by .PiCe.NuSSy.

Can make even the whitest of white girls look gangsta

I love girls that wear hoop earrings
by .PiCe.NuSSy. September 14, 2008
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More truer words have never been spoken.

Meaning, you find people of all races, cultures, nationalities, backgrounds, etc. attractive. Instead of only being romantically involved with people of your own race/culture, you find people of all races/cultures equally attractive, so you date people of your culture, in addition to people of other cultures.

I don't limit myself romantically with only one group of people or prejudge anyone. I find everyone beautiful no matter where the person comes from, and that's how it should be imo. As long as you have similar interests, the fact that you come from different backgrounds shouldn't matter.

"I love from butter pecan to black berry molass,
I dont discriminate, I regulate every shade of the ass,
Long as you show class and pass my test,
Fat ass and breast, highly intelligent bachelorettes,
Thats the best I won't settle for less,
I wanna ghetto brunette, with unforgettable sex,
I lay your head on my chest, come feel my heartbeat,
We can park the jeep, pump Mobb Deep, and just spark the leaf"
---Lyrics taken from the song "Still not a player" by the rapper Big Pun
by .PiCe.NuSSy. September 14, 2008
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Applied to someone who is present only when things are going well or when they need something, but at the first sign of trouble/hardship, they disappear faster than Brittney Spears's career

In sports, the term is often confused with a bandwagoner, but unlike bandwagon fans, a fair weather fan initially has some interest in the team, but they want nothing to do with them when tough times occur. As soon as the team starts to turn things around and starts winning, they act as if they been there through thick and thin.

A fair weather friend is more of an associate/acquaintance. They aren't truly your friend, but you talk to them enough to somewhat know them personally. They act nice to you when they need something, but as soon as you need them to return the favor, they are nowhere to be found. A true friend is there for you no matter what.

This term can be applied to anything in life, but these are the most common.

-Example of fair weather fan-
Me: The Lakers are on tonight, I can't wait
Fair Weather Fan: I can't wait either, they rock this year
Me: I thought you said acouple years back you were done watching them after ________ got traded and you couldn't stand all their mounting losses
Fair Weather Fan: Shh the games starting

-Example of Fair Weather Friend-
Fair Weather Friend: Hey I was absent last week, can I borrow your notes?
Me: Sure man, no prob
Fair Weather Friend: Cool man thanks. You wanna chill later on after your done with all your classes?
......Later on that day......
Fair Weather Friend: Thanks for letting me use your notes, i got a B on the test
Me: Its cool. So we still gonna hang out?
Fair Weather Friend: Huh, hang out? Nah man I can't, I got plans with other people
by .PiCe.NuSSy. January 21, 2009
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- No Name Noob

Someone who is new to an online video game and thinks they're the best, oblivious to the fact that they actually suck. Will call anyone a noob, even though they are actually a noob themselves

N3:"oMg iMa PwNz ALLz y0Uz n00bRz, iM tH3 0wn4g3"
Normal Guy: "No"
N3: "o y3a, i'LL t0TaLLy rAp3 yoU oNLin3"
Normal Guy: "LMAO this guy is such an N3"
by .PiCe.NuSSy. May 23, 2008
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Being true to yourself, innocent, uncorrupted, unblemished etc.

Not conforming to what society dictates, but in a sense marching to the beat of your own drummer

Johnny: "Your gold when your a kid. When your a kid, everythings new. Like dawn, the way you dig sunsets, Ponyboy, that's gold. Keep it that way, its a good way to be."

-Liz stay gold :)
by .PiCe.NuSSy. January 19, 2009
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Positive or negative expectations about circumstances, events, or people that may affect a persons behavior toward them in a manner that he or she (unknowingly) creates situations in which those expectations are fulfilled.

In other words, causing something to happen by believing it will come true

Example 1:
An employer sees a new employee and automatically expects him to be disloyal. The employer then treats the employee in a way to elicit the very response he concluded.

Example 2:
Labeling someone a "criminal," and treating that person as such, may foster criminal behavior in the person who is subjected to the expectation, thus creating a self fulfilling prophecy
by .PiCe.NuSSy. September 10, 2008
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The official occupation of a single mother, or any struggling woman trying to make ends meet
Gloria was seriously in debt, she had no way to pay for her college tuition. She then turned to being a stripper to make some easy cash
by .PiCe.NuSSy. September 10, 2008
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