3 definitions by ..e..

The appearance of an afro that has been freshly showered. Damp, not much hair up the top and droops down but still retains the curls, as such the hair resides mostly near the back and sides.
Yo he's rocking The Fresh Jefferson *Insert Luigi Boccherini: Minuetto*
by ..e.. December 15, 2020
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A fetish so paranormal and specific that it is only held in the hands of those who's intellect we have yet to comprehend.
*Some fag drools*
Other guy: "The fuck kind of parafetish do you have this time?"

by ..e.. March 5, 2019
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A type of really disappointing farting in which the bowel movement only results in one popping sound instead of a tone. Instead of the smooth yet crunchy bass tone of the fart, you get one single clap of the cheek, the rectal fold followed by extreme disappointment and a desire to make up for it with one huge rip. You must honour your family and prove you are the master of the fragrant trombone, the flesh bassoon, the flatulent emperor. You shall make up for your sins.
by ..e.. December 21, 2020
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