89 definitions by Andrea

A brother who is of a studly nature. Most likely muscular and big. Also, pertains to a slightly thuggish person of african american decent.
Fifty cent is a ruffneck n**ga
by Andrea February 24, 2004
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A bodyless head with spiky blond hair and black feet.
Blode was standing aroun. His brain was completly empty and he was completly happy
by Andrea January 4, 2004
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Fo true is just a replacement for for real, really, truly etc.
person 1: this drass if $2,000!
person 2: fo true?
by Andrea July 30, 2004
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when all you can think of is that special someone and you dont like anyone else anymore

when you meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with
the love i have for kai is true love!!
by Andrea August 10, 2004
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to want to fight if someone offends you; preparing to fight if someone steps to you

Derived from the song, "Knuck if you Buck" by Crime Mob
"We knuckin and buckin and we ready to fight..." Princess of Crime Mob
by Andrea September 21, 2004
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