1 definition by 𝕭𝖆𝖉_𝖇!𝖙𝖈𝖍

Anxiety is like a little demon on your shoulder, telling you that whatever you do, you'll never be good enough. Its when you're in the middle of class and your throat closes up, you can't swallow and you start sweating a little. Your eyes tear up, but sometimes you don't cry, you raise your hand and ask the teacher to go to the bathroom, then when you finally get in there you lock yourself in a stall and curl up in the floor, crying and shaking because everything is so worrying all the time, and you hear the water running in a sink and someone flushing the toilet and it brings you back to reality. You ground your feet on the tile and breath. You're here, you're okay. You can do this. Sometimes you don't know why you have anxiety, but it's there. Always there. Just waiting. But on the bright side, it'll always be there, whenever nobody else is.
Person One - I think I have anxiety
Person Two - Oh my god get over yourself, you're such an attention whore
Person One - Oh, okay
by 𝕭𝖆𝖉_𝖇!𝖙𝖈𝖍 January 14, 2021
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