2 definitions by ꀤꈤꌗꍟꋪ꓄ ꎇꀎꈤꈤꌩ ᖘꌗꍟꀎꀸꂦꈤꌩꎭ

Kids In Basement: A way of defining your power, social status and steer cred. Can also be a way of showing off or comparison
Person 1: “Hey how many Kids In Basement do you have?

Person 2: “Oh, I have around 5 what about you?”

Person 1: “Haha imagine being so low class! I have around 70, honestly it’s hard to count them all”
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G’dingy. An insult that means many things. Instead of saying fat, idiot, twat, moron, nutter, dip shit, mother fucker. You can say G’dingy.
Hey you fat G’dingy what the hell do you think your doing!
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