2 definitions by |)R.pHiL

Nothing Bur Caucausians whens the last time u heard of a coulored dude on NBC... its like they took the colour out of TV all i c is Black and white tv on NBC .....Also See ABC
hoyl crap its a coloured person on NBC sumone calll the cops *Cops* holy shit take him down BOOM BOOM *coloured guy* DAMN U NBC...also see ABC
by |)R.pHiL October 26, 2004
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Anyone But colors... another example of pure white bull shit and assholes who wont play the Ms.America this year I HATE U ARAAGDGGG... see NBC

ALSO SEE George W. Bush under my name :)
Son:holy crap i think thers finally color on ABC.
Father: *slaps the kid* dont make me slap u boy
son: u alrdy did
Father: Listen kidd ABC just isnt for colored ppl.
by |)R.pHiL October 26, 2004
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