2 definitions by [CD] RULES ALL!


Short for Creeping Death Mode. The most vulgar of vulgar uses of the spoken language. The easiest definition is the dialog of the movie “Clerks”, but that is still G-Rated in comparison to full blown CD mode.
After talking to LastWhiteHope on the phone, I’m stuck in CD Mode for hours!
by [CD] RULES ALL! August 11, 2022
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A giant sloppy looking lard. Typically wears clothing that is too small or not meant for their large bodies as they don’t know how to dress. The walk from the store handicap spot to the door causes exhaustion and shortness of breath. Stepping up on a curb takes more than one try; See also wildebeest, hog
Look at that guy! Is he carrying a sandwich? What a beef!
by [CD] RULES ALL! August 15, 2022
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