2 definitions by [502] SgtBakeNutz

The act of concentration during (or stage of) masturbation where the individual is entirely absorbed by the sexual illusion. Can also apply to sexual relations with an undesirable partner where imagination is critical to maintaining the illusion.
It took a lot of Chocus to bust my load with that fat chick.
by [502] SgtBakeNutz September 22, 2008
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(Noun or Adj.) The negative side of economics;

(Verb.) Being on the receiving end of a bad financial decision or situation.

Man...the oil business is some shaftonomics bullshit.

Did you hear? Joe's wife got the house in their divorce! The judge gave him a lesson in shaftonomics.

Reagon is to tricklenomics as Bush is to shaftonomics.
by [502] SgtBakeNutz June 13, 2008
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