1 definition by =alice=

ALL THINGS NOT WEEZER. A place where you go and write about writing on a message board. also, a place where you lie about who you are: "ASL: 22/f/ny.. ttly hot, imo." a total waste of time. It's sadly addicting and after 5 years, people are still on it. The "popular people" are mods or the annoying picture whore people. Some memorable people are: Josh (the curtain), sophi, curlyhare, johnny, graham, val and that "bitch" kd. It's embarasing to know so much about it. It's weird. Don't go. If you do, don't tell your friends.. but you probably don't have many if you do go.
I used to be a boardie on ATNW, i was wheezeforweezer.
by =alice= March 21, 2006
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